
Volunteer Celebration Event

Volunteer Celebration Event

Friday 7 July 2023

This week we hosted our first Volunteer Celebration Event since the pandemic.

The event was a huge success. Click Here for the full story plus all the latest news from around the Circle World.


Zensational Circle Birthday Party

Zensational Circle Birthday Party

Thursday 29 June 2023

Our great friends at Zen hosted the 11th Circle Birthday at their palatial home on Sandbrook Park.

Click Here for the full story and fabulous photographs of the event along with all the latest Circle news.  

Circle partners with Dr. Kershaw's

Circle partners with Dr. Kershaw's

Friday 16 June 2023

Circle and Dr. Kershaw's Hospice are partnering in a pilot scheme to support patients accessing their Well-Being Centre.

Based around our award winning Volunteer Drivers and Home from Hospital services, this new pilot funded by Dr. Kershaw's will taking people to the Dr. Kershaw's Well-Being Centre to take part in a series of social events and support activities.

Click here to read about this and all this weeks updates

A Right Royal Party

A Right Royal Party

Thursday 18 May 2023

We have had a great week of events and activities here at Circle including a series of activities to celebrate the King's Coronation, our with local Universities plus lots more.


Click Here of the Full Update

The Economist Visits Circle

The Economist Visits Circle

Thursday 4 May 2023

This week Circle played host to the Economist Magazine as they researched the Circle and Volunteer Drivers Service Model.

We have been busy with a visit to the Castlefield Viaduct, big preparations for the Kings Coronation and much more.


Click Here for the latest update. 

AQ Day at the Muesum

Thursday 20 April 2023

Circle enjoyed a fascinating visit to the Manchester Museum to see the Golden Mummies of Egypt exhibition this week.

We also have bumper turnouts at a host of events and activities, so all another stellar week at Circle!

Click Here for a full update!  

Circle Bowls 'Em Over

Circle Bowls 'Em Over

Thursday 13 April 2023

We have a quick look at our regular Ten Pin Bowling Event which we have been putting on our events calendar for over 10 years now!

We also feature the Circle Week In Pictures, plus an easy link to all the Circle Social Media Sites.

Click Here for the full update and pictures

Circle make the news

Circle make the news

Thursday 6 April 2023

Read about how Circle featured on the ITV National News, plus lots of other news and updates.


Click Here for the latest update.

Circle Birthday Party Details Announced

Circle Birthday Party Details Announced

Thursday 30 March 2023

Thanks to our great friends and partners at Zen Internet we are able to announce the details for Circles 11th Birthday Party.

Click Here for the full update which also has news of our latest visitors from South Korea, an important Survey around our Digital Offer and the Circle week in pictures!

Suggestion Time Update

Suggestion Time Update

Thursday 23 March 2023

We hosted a really successful Suggestion Time this week, with a good range of ideas and suggestions all design to improve the service offers to its Members.

Click Here for the update on Suggestion Time plus all the latest Circle news and activities, including a fabulous visit to see the legendary Flying Scotsman.