
Circuit, the weekly eNewsletter from HMR Circle

Circuit, the weekly eNewsletter from HMR Circle

Tuesday 5 May 2020

This weeks Circuit eNewsletter from HMR Circle with all the latest news and information, including the VE-Day Lunch Club-Club, the #CircleFamily Tree, Bordom Buster and Gerasphere!

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Online Lunch Club-Club, Boredom Buster No.2 & all the latest updates

Online Lunch Club-Club, Boredom Buster No.2  & all the latest updates

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Our Latest eNewsletter with news about our new online Lunch Club-Club, a brand new edition of Boredom Buster, a behind the scenes update and a new partnership with Healthwatch Rochdale!!

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Fridays Online Lunch Club-Club

Fridays Online Lunch Club-Club

Friday 24 April 2020

Next Friday, 1st of May we launch our virtual Lunch Club-Club!!
Come and join in Fridays at 12.30pm!!
We can't have lunch together physically but we can have lunch virtually!

So from next Friday at 12.30pm lets post a picture of us having lunch and when we are done lets all pledge to give someone a call for a chat!!

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Volunteer Focus Special

Volunteer Focus Special

Wednesday 22 April 2020

We feature our amazing Volunteers and the great work they do to support HMR Circle and the Volunteer Drivers Service

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Sign up for our online eNewsletter

Sign up for our online eNewsletter

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Keep up to date with all the latest news and information from HMR Circle and the Volunteer Drivers Service during the Coronavirus Lockdown by signing up to the eNewsletter.

Click the button below to sign up

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We Launch the Boredom Buster plus all the latest news from HMR Circle

We Launch the Boredom Buster plus all the latest news from HMR Circle

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Today we launched Boredom Buster a fantatsic online resource of quizzes, poems, recipes, houmour plus loads of other great stuff!

Click the button below for Boredom Buster as well as all the latest HMR Circle news!

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This weeks latest news update from HMR Circle

This weeks latest news update from HMR Circle

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Latest news update from HMR Circle 7th April 2020

Click on the button below for all the latest news.

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Weekly update from HMR Circle including a bit of good news

Weekly update from HMR Circle including a bit of good news

Thursday 2 April 2020

Here is the latest weekly update from HMR Circle including a little bit of good news, information about our Circles Connected Facebook page and how we are keeping in touch with our Members.

Click the link below for the latest update

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Volunteer Drivers Service Update

Volunteer Drivers Service Update

Tuesday 24 March 2020

As you are all aware these are unprecedented times and difficult choices have to be made. With this in mind and after regular discussions with Rochdale Adult Care Services we have taken the decision to suspend the HMR Circle Volunteer Drivers Service. 
We want to thank all our Volunteers for their dedication and support in making the HMR Circle Volunteer Drivers Service the success it is. Without their amazing dedication and that of Mary in the office pulling all of it together we simply wouldn't have a service.

Our Volunteer Drivers have gone above and beyond what could reasonably be expected and have ensured that older people and vulnerable adults in the borough are looked after.

The service is suspended, but we will come back stronger thanks to their hard work, dedication and inspiration. 

In closing, again we would like thank you our Volunteer Drivers for their dedication and support, please stay safe and we look forward to when we can all get together to celebrate what is an amazing service.

Weekly Update from HMR Circle

Weekly Update from HMR Circle

Monday 23 March 2020

We will look to update the website news section as often as possible to keep everyone updated.

We will also be sending out a weekly Email to Members, Volunteers and partners.

Keep visiting our website and social media for all the latest updates and click on the button below for this weeks information.

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