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Friday 15 October 2021
This week we feature an excellent trip to the brand new Greater Manchester Fire Museum which has opened in Rochdale.
We also have some great pictures from recent social eating events and news about an approach from ITV's Tonight Programme about featuring Circle in a future programme.
Click Here for the latest update.
Friday 8 October 2021
Food events are the cornerstone of a lot of the social activities here at Circle. They are a great way to bring people together.
This week's Circuit eNewsletter has some great [pictures from our Social Eating Events plus loads more.
Click Here for the latest update.
Friday 1 October 2021
Welcome to International Older People's Day where we celebrate older people!
We have made a couple of cracking little short videos plus all the usual Circle news and updates.
Click Here for this week updates!
Friday 24 September 2021
The HMR Circle Volunteer Drivers Service has been nominated for a national award for its work during the pandemic.
The VDS is up for the Community Transport Association Volunteer Car Share Scheme of the Year, with the winner to be announced in November.
Also in this weeks update is the October Events Newsletter plus the Circle Week in Pictures!
Click Here for the full update
Friday 17 September 2021
This weeks news update features:-
The 1st October has been designated International Older People Day and as part of that HMR Circle was asked to produce a video with the theme of Older and Greener.
Plus news about another hectic week here at HMR Circle and the Volunteer Drivers Service
Click Here for the video and full update
Friday 10 September 2021
We are recruiting for 2 new posts here at HMR Circle to support our work in the Rochdale Borough.
We are looking for a Engagement Coordinator and an Administrator
Click here for all the details, plus all this weeks news from the world of Circle!
Friday 3 September 2021
Our September Social Events Newsletter and Calendar has had a fabulous reception with bumper bookings being taken!
Our September Newsletter was our most extensive since the beginning of lockdown in March of 2020, but it has been rewarded a great response from Members booking on events.
We also have news about our Digital Lessons for Groups, Walks & Strolls update, promotional events & Prestwich Circle on Twitter!
Click Here for the full update
Friday 27 August 2021
The HMR Circle Dinner Drivers reached a major landmark this week when they delivered their 1000th meal!
In other news see how HMR Circle featured in a conference in South Korea. We also featured our new September Social Events Newsletter with 67 events and activities to choose from, plus loads of news about what our Members have been up to this week!
Click Here for the latest update.
Friday 20 August 2021
Here at HMR Circle and the Volunteer Drivers Service we know we wouldn't be the success we are without the amazing help, support and dedication of our Volunteers!
As we emerge from the pandemic the contribution of our Volunteers has never been more vital.
We are fortunate to have possibly the most exciting and diverse range of Volunteering opportunities available anywhere.
This week we are featuring some of the fantastic volunteering opportunities available with Circle as well as showcasing some of our Volunteering Stars!
Click Here to all about our amazing Volunteers!